General Information

  1. Name of the School - Immanuel Mission School

  2. Affiliation No.  1730096

  3. School Code 10510

  4. Complete Address P.O. Zawar Mines, Dist. Salumber (Prev.Udaipur),
    Rajasthan 313901

  5. Principal's Name Ms. Rakhi Singh

  6. Principal's Qualification MA, M.Com, B.Ed.

  7. School Email ID

  8. Contact Details  9413094495/ 96

Results and Academics

Fee Structure 2024-25
List of School Management Committee (SMC)
Annual Calender
List oof Parents Teachers Association (PTA) Members
Last three year result of Board Examination

Staff (Teaching)

  1. Principal Rakhi Singh

  2. Total No. of Teachers 12

  3. TGT 7

  4. PRT 5

  5. Teachers Section Ratio 1:1.5

  6. Details of Special Educator NA

  7. Detail of Counsellor Mrs. Liji Abraham

School Infrastructure

  1. Total Campus Area 8200

  2. No. and Size of Classrooms 16 & 47sq.m

  3. Size of Laboratories 3 & 57 Sq.M

  4. Internet Facility Yes

  5. No. of Girls Toilets 6

  6. No. of Boys Toilets 6

  7. Youtube link of inspection

CBSE Affiliation

Society Registration Certificate

No Objection Certificate (Govt. of Rajasthan)

Recognition Certificate

Building Safety Certificate

Self Declaration Submitted

Self Declaration Submitted